What zero waste things is about

A non judgemental space to talk about zero waste

Everyone is welcome, at all stages of a zero waste journey. Nobody has to be perfect.

Sharing knowledge, tips and advice that will make true sustainability easier and save you time.

Minimizing single use plastic

Better for the environment & your health

Honest reviews of zero waste products

Save money and time

Avoid greenwashing & overpriced items

why a zero waste blog

It's not about the jar

Trying to reduce plastic is overwhelming. 

On the one hand, this whole zero waste should be simple... It is just about swapping out a couple of items for more sustainable ones?

But the more you read, the more complicated it gets.

It's not about perfection. 

Learning about plastic-free life isn't about selling you more, adding more (stuff you don't need). I'm here to help simplify your choices by giving honest (unsponsored) reviews of zero waste products.


Sharing fast and easy recipes that are backed by science and work better than store-bought. 

Debunking some of the DIY myths along the way.

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